Surprise Visit from the Beautiful Stranger Bonnie Vent Channeling & Mini Tarot Readings - Sessi
VIDEO: Bonnie Vent is a medium/channeler Chat about spirit people and a surprise channeling from Lottie Barnard (not Kate Morgan) who...

Laura Linney recounts ghost sighting at 'haunted' theatre
Laura Linney is convinced she saw a ghost during a dress rehearsal for a play in New York. In addition to her film career the actress has...

Creepy noises in the governor’s mansion are spooking Cuomo
James Messerschmidt If the pressure of running...

Ghost child in the window or something else?? Wanna play?
Hi Everyone, This is Bonnie Vent. A client sent a video and some still shots to me. We have a mystery to solve that is truly child's...

Do the spirits of our pets visit us?
Photo courtesy of Monika Helgemo Note from Bonnie Vent: People often ask me about their pets who have crossed over. They want to know if...

Selling a Haunted House? Disclose With Care, or the Deal Could Die a Gory Death
This is a very good article from that was also on Yahoo News. Several quotes from celebrity medium Bonnie Vent. You’re...

Ghost of the Hotel Del Coronado true identity revealed!
This is an interesting interview from a few years ago for San Diego Living. We talk about the Beautiful Stranger of Hotel Del Coronado...

How do you sell a haunted house? The answers might scare you By Jay...

KUSI News Interview of: Haunted Hot Spots around San Diego, CA with Bonnie Vent
This interview was done several years ago. It is a very interesting experience to sit up at the news desk. They do not tell you anything a