Surprise Visit from the Beautiful Stranger Bonnie Vent Channeling & Mini Tarot Readings - Sessi
VIDEO: Bonnie Vent is a medium/channeler Chat about spirit people and a surprise channeling from Lottie Barnard (not Kate Morgan) who...

Laura Linney recounts ghost sighting at 'haunted' theatre
Laura Linney is convinced she saw a ghost during a dress rehearsal for a play in New York. In addition to her film career the actress has...

10 Things You Must Consider Before Seeing a Psychic Reader
Reader's Digest Article featuring medium Bonnie Vent Keep an open mind...

Selling a Haunted House? Disclose With Care, or the Deal Could Die a Gory Death
This is a very good article from that was also on Yahoo News. Several quotes from celebrity medium Bonnie Vent. You’re...

NBC Buys Haunted House Drama From ‘Paranormal Activity’ Writers & Bonnie Vent's work on the
Many people know the original film "Paranormal Activity" was filmed right here in San Diego County. So what does a studio do for publicity