Creepy noises in the governor’s mansion are spooking Cuomo

James Messerschmidt
If the pressure of running New York State doesn’t keep Gov. Andrew Cuomo up at night, things that go bump in the night do.
New York’s governor’s mansion is believed by many to be haunted — including former Gov. David Paterson — and Cuomo says spooky noises are keeping him sleep deprived when he’s upstate.
“So, it’s me alone, when I’m in the house because my family is in Westchester … and there are stories that this house is haunted,” Cuomo said Thursday. “Now, I don’t believe in ghosts, and I’m a big, tough Italian guy, but I’ll tell you, it gets creepy in that house, and there are a lot of noises that go on and you are very alone.”
Paterson told The Post that the 161-year-old Italianate mansion is, beyond the specter of doubt, haunted.
“Yes to be honest with you,” Paterson said when asked if there is a ghost.
He even went on a phantom-hunting expedition late one night while governor.
Paterson was in a second-floor bedroom when heard a sound like a vase smashing, he said. He searched two floors of the building but never found the source of the mysterious noise. The next day, house staff told him he had a run-in with the home’s oldest resident.
“I told the staff, and they all got quiet and left the room,” he said. “One came to me and said, ‘Governor, nobody wanted to say this to you, but it’s the ghost.’ One employee is afraid to clean one of the rooms because she thinks the ghost is in the room.”
Staff believe it’s the spirit of a groundskeeper who served the mansion’s original owners before the state bought the building in 1877, meaning nearly every governor since Samuel Tilden — including Cuomo’s dad Mario — lived in a haunted house while governing New York, according to Paterson.
While Paterson was living there, his 5-year-old nephew revealed that he could feel an invisible hand guiding him when he climbed the mansion’s stairs, leading Paterson to believe the spirit is benevolent.
“Governor Cuomo should be relieved,” the former governor said. “It’s a friendly ghost, like Casper.”
The mansion is not the capital’s only haunt for the undead. The State Capitol building is believed to be infested with the supernatural, and the state even offers spooky tours there.