Energy update - Review and Reflection - Bonnie Vent Channeling - Session 45
Bonnie Vent is a medium/channeler Topic: We would like to discuss the current energy heading your direction and perhaps for some it has...

Energy update - How to Find Your Curiosity and the Next Step - Bonnie Vent Channeling - Session 44
Bonnie Vent is a medium/channeler Topic: We have crossed another threshold and those who are attuned will be sensing this step forward...

Energy update - How to Find Core Purpose - Bonnie Vent Channeling - Session 43
Connection Channeling Session 02/16/19 EP43 Welcome Dear Ones, We would like to discuss the concept of purpose. Many are still asking...

Energy update - how to deal with emotions - Bonnie Vent Channeling - Session 42
Connection Channeling 02/09/19 Welcome Dear Ones, We would like to speak today about human nature and your increased sensitivities. The...

Self Healing and Protection for the spiritually aware. Channeled by Bonnie Vent and The Connection
Marla Brooks and Bonnie Vent take the audience into a higher level discussion on the causes of illness, what to do about it and how to...

Who or What is Channeling explained by: Bonnie Vent and the group she channels, known as: The Connec
Marla Brooks and I took the audience into a fascinating journey into what channeling is and the process used by: "The Connection" as well...
Channeler Bonnie Vent's temperature drops 5 degrees when channeling starts and ends during a liv
For the first time Bonnie Vent was monitored while she channeled by Cynthia Sweeney and her husband PJ. A very interesting temperature drop

10 Things You Must Consider Before Seeing a Psychic Reader
Reader's Digest Article featuring medium Bonnie Vent Keep an open mind...